Dear Mrs. von der Leyen,
We, the companies signing this letter, want to encourage the EU Commission to deliver an ambitious revision of REACH as soon as possible. This is absolutely necessary for a more efficient regulation, as well as better support for chemical substitution and non-toxic circular economy.
Our companies all have ambitious chemicals management. We work actively and put significant resources into phasing out and substituting the most harmful chemicals from our products and processes.
Our companies always aim to stay ahead of developments in chemicals regulation. This is the most beneficial business strategy and it is also what our customers expect from us.
“A timely revision of REACH is to plan and take accountability for the future”
For this and many other reasons, we fully support the ambition and the aims of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability presented by the EU Commission in 2020.
We need to lower the chemical burden on human health and on the environment — even in times as difficult as these. A timely revision of REACH is to plan and take accountability for the future. A critical aim for the revision should be to phase out the most harmful substances from consumer products.
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EU Commission, do you see the writing on the wall?
Predictability and long-term strategic decisions will empower the transition and grow the market for safe and sustainable chemicals. It will also enable a non-toxic circular economy.
Such strong leadership will make EU industry the leading and most responsible industry in the world. It will also make our industry resilient to future crises.
“We need legislation to push these processes further”
In line with the aims of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, our companies are all working hard to phase out the most harmful chemicals from our products. We also put a lot of effort towards achieving circular and non-toxic business models.
We are convinced that our work can inspire and help other companies to do the same, but we need legislation to push these processes further.
If the market for safer alternatives were given the opportunity to grow, we would all benefit. Not only people and planet, but also European industries.